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Showing posts from December, 2011

Embrace 2012 with LOVE ~~ Happy New Year!

Let's embrace 2012 NOT with resolutions or ways to reinvent ourselves. But instead -- let's embrace 2012 with LOVE! Nothing more, nothing less. New Year – new goals. What is it about the New Year that prompts us to re-evaluate what we want to accomplish? Be fit. Be happy. Be successful. Be loved. The list goes on but I don’t think you need to reinvent yourself – just choose to be YOU. It’s as simple as enjoying life knowing that you lived by the Golden Rule: Love God. Love your neighbors as you love yourself. LOVE – that’s the key! Love God – that’s a given. Only with faith in God can we truly understand. Love YOURSELF. When you learn how to love yourself, you’ll notice that everything just falls in place – everything will fit. Love your neighbor. Why not? Why not learn how to share your love -- you’ll get more of it in return anyway! So it’s a win-win! Yes, it’s that simple! So let’s embrace 2012 with LOVE  -- nothing more, not

What does Christmas or Hanukkah mean to you?

I’m excited about Hanukkah (Chanukah) and Christmas. We celebrate both holidays – our kids are blessed in that way! Our “Santa and her helpers” have been busy buying presents for the family. I’m excited because the families get to sit down together and enjoy a wonderful 3-day holiday – Hanukkah, Christmas Eve (Noche Buena) and Christmas Day. We will be full house – my college guy will be home and thanks to my thoughtful crumbcatchers who put together allowances and savings to help one another with rent money so that every one will be home for the holidays. I get teary-eyed during the holidays because I miss my family in the Philippines . But I know they’re having a fun time – no matter what. I'm not sure if we'll have a White Christmas. Our snowstorm came early on Halloween! I enjoy listening to Christmas carols. Luckily, my children love to play piano, guitar and violin! I'm looking forward to the holidays because my family an

Make a difference - become a Fairy Doll Mother @ Once Upon a Tree House

“We do not do great things, only small things with great love.” ~ Mother Theresa I was recently introduced to a new charitable cause, “OnceUpon A Tree House ’s Fairy Doll Mother Program ”. The name alone caught my attention -- sounds simple, yet powerful in meaning!   Once Upon A Tree House is an online store, designed by two Moms, whose mission is to create handmade and eco-friendly doll houses, dolls and accessories that provide lasting memories for parents, grandchildren and grandparents.  At an time when most children own an electronic device, the traditional toys that “Once Upon A Tree House ” offers help cultivate a child’s imagination, promote quality family time, enhance communication and provide opportunities for parents/grandparents in creating a strong bond with their children/grandchildren by playing together. Children grow up so fast that not to spend fun, playful time with them is a sin! And this holiday season, when you purchase a doll

My fairy godmother with bright ideas - what Christmas is all about!

"A pleasant surprise is in store for you soon."   - that was the message that I got from last Saturday's fortune cookie. And earlier today when I checked my email, Felicia Kramer of   Another Bright Idea  and More Bright Ideas  informed me that I won $40 credit towards her More Bright Idea's Etsy shop. I have been a fan of Felicia's work for years now. Her artwork always spoke from the heart -- and her keen eyes capture the beauty of nature and life itself, thus, creating such intricate art pieces. Felicia Kramer had helped me put together a cover design for my book, "Out of Status", which will be released on January 2012. She's someone who truly enjoys GIVING. She's an artist at heart -- so her gifts are made uniquely for you and me! Isn't that what Christmas or Hanukkah is all about? GIVING? And it's not just about the material presents, it's the tradition of being with families and friends. As a small business own