Seventeen years ago, on Mother's Day, my husband and I vowed in a Jewish-Christian ceremony, "to love and honor, all the days of our lives." In the book, "Out of Status" , I immortalized my love to the man who epitomizes every woman's romantic super hero - my husband. Not only does he warms my side of the bed during winter time, not only does he make my decaf chai tea every morning -- he tries to make sure I smile every day, no matter what. Today, my husband confirmed his title "romantic super hero", when he wrote a beautiful poem for our anniversary. This card alone was a perfect, and the poem that he wrote just confirmed how lucky I am! Seventeen Years, What does it mean? It is a long time, or a short time? In the realm of things perishable, seventeen years is enough time for Freshness to become decay, Playful youthfulness to become staid maturity, Novelty to become passé. In the realm of thin