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Showing posts from October, 2009


WHO  are we if we don’t have friends and family? WHERE  will we be if love is conditional? WHAT will our life be if we don’t have faith? Today I woke up sad deep inside .. Why you might ask? Well, Four years ago on this day, my life and the lives of my family have been changed forever! Four years ago on this day, I thought the sun will never rise again; Four years ago on this day, I thought there’s no light at the end of the tunnel; Four years ago on this day, I thought G-d has abandoned us… Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years have passed and that day - October 27, 2005, That day is just a reminder of how strong my family’s love for one another is; That day is just a reminder of how faith in G-d will help you get through any challenges; That day is just a reminder that every day we make choices; That day is just a reminder that our attitude in life takes us to where we want to be; That day is just a reminder that maybe things do happen for a 7 seconds I shattered mine...

Have you seen the movie, " Seven Pounds" ? Well, I just did last night (on-demand) ... Its a reminder that in a seven seconds, one can shatter plenty of lives... Click HERE  for more photo's of nature's beauty. "In 7 days, G-d created the world,    in 7 seconds I shattered mine. "                                      - Ben Thomas (from the movie, "Seven Pounds") Please pledge to keep your mind on the wheel! Please pass the message along. Here are some things you can do to pass the message along: 1) Talk to your PTA or community organizations      (Cranford, NJ High School PTA will post the campaign ad in        the November-December issue of their newsletter) 2) Write to your local newspaper 3) Print the Mom Sends the Msg logo and tape it to your car and your teenagers' cars. 4) Talk about it with your kids, families and friends. 5) Email or your wireless provider to see if they can


Be thankful... Enjoy the beauty... Make a difference... Have a great week everyone! Keep smiling :)

Trick or treat! Keep your mind on the wheel!

Walk with me through my town as I check-out the 2nd Annual Scarescrow stroll... If you live in my town, don't forget to cast your vote. Voting ends on Halloween!                                    ------------------------------------------------ Don’t be a Scarecrow this Halloween by Texting and Driving! Trick or Treat! We all have busy schedules and sometimes we think that we have to do a million things all at the same time. But what we don’t realize is that we’re not really giving ourselves a treat by multi-tasking while driving, we are actually engaging in a very dangerous trick ! Download this picture and tape it to your dashboard. It’ll be a reminder of the pledge you made to make the roads safer. ( Go to to sign the pledge if you still haven't... ) Do check-out the public service announcement in the November-December issue o