Tears keep falling, mostly at night when I am alone, after my family has gone to bed. My heart feels so heavy, filled with sorrow since my dad entered heaven a few weeks ago. My heart had already been heavy from the recent loss of my husband's dear friend, a man my children called Uncle Paulie. Both were sudden and profound losses. Both lived good lives as men who loved their families fiercely and unconditionally. My "village" that I have to support my parenting endeavor has been there to offer kind words, child wrangling, and food offerings. Without this village, I would be lost. Much more than this, there are some who have traveled this road and offered me wisdom that helps me deal with the grief. My husband's parents both passed away before his 33rd birthday, so having been through that with him, we were no strangers to this life event. I was a pillar of strength for him then, and he is my pillar of strength now. My husband saw that when my father wa
Motherhood. It's not job. It's a gift. It's a Happy, Simple Life.