“In all intellectual debates, both sides tend to be correct in what they affirm, and wrong in what they deny.”
– John Stuart Mill
Do you want to have an intense discussion, try talking about politics?
The conversation can take on a totally different level.
The debate is just a brain-busting experience.
We encourage our children to read and listen a lot on different issues.
Taking someone’s opinion as a fact because he or she said it is not acceptable, except when we’re talking about our faith. (This sometimes can be a challenge when trying to explain to very inquisitive children.)
Pause: Now, how did Microsoft Word did that? I had a fragmented sentence earlier on and the software was smart enough to alert me and give me different options to paraphrase my sentence. Wow!
Anyway, as I was stating earlier before I was blown away by the intelligence of the people who created Microsoft Word, one has to be knowledgeable and resourceful to participate in a brain-twisting debate! You can’t just say, “Well, people said this and that!.” You have got to have your sources checked and double-checked.
Unless you’re my cute, adorable and opinionated 8yo, then you can negotiate yourself into a debate with your cute smile. (We really think he can be a great lawyer or attorney general one day, if he chooses to be in that field)
You should not take someone’s opinion and state it as fact. It’s alright to express your opinion, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, but to convince someone about an issue, you have to be prepared for a rebuttal.
Even teachers or professors (even some journalists) sometimes give you a slanted view because their bias at times gets in a way of fully presenting the truth. Now, did you ever “politely” correct a professor, or were you intimidated by his authority?
Believing in your convictions and being informed make a great discussion and debate. It’s a great feeling to stand for your principles and it’s a lousy feeling when you compromise those principles and values.
Whether you’re an adult, a young adult, a teenager, a pre-teen or an 8-year old, you have certain beliefs and if that belief is challenged, you have to have the facts (or the cuteness) to support your thoughts.
My family has diverse interest and opinions. But one common interest is to be able to express one’s desires, feelings and thoughts; and we’re lucky enough to be in a country where we have the freedom to do so.
The conversation can take on a totally different level.
The debate is just a brain-busting experience.
We encourage our children to read and listen a lot on different issues.
Taking someone’s opinion as a fact because he or she said it is not acceptable, except when we’re talking about our faith. (This sometimes can be a challenge when trying to explain to very inquisitive children.)
Pause: Now, how did Microsoft Word did that? I had a fragmented sentence earlier on and the software was smart enough to alert me and give me different options to paraphrase my sentence. Wow!
Anyway, as I was stating earlier before I was blown away by the intelligence of the people who created Microsoft Word, one has to be knowledgeable and resourceful to participate in a brain-twisting debate! You can’t just say, “Well, people said this and that!.” You have got to have your sources checked and double-checked.
Unless you’re my cute, adorable and opinionated 8yo, then you can negotiate yourself into a debate with your cute smile. (We really think he can be a great lawyer or attorney general one day, if he chooses to be in that field)
You should not take someone’s opinion and state it as fact. It’s alright to express your opinion, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, but to convince someone about an issue, you have to be prepared for a rebuttal.
Even teachers or professors (even some journalists) sometimes give you a slanted view because their bias at times gets in a way of fully presenting the truth. Now, did you ever “politely” correct a professor, or were you intimidated by his authority?
Believing in your convictions and being informed make a great discussion and debate. It’s a great feeling to stand for your principles and it’s a lousy feeling when you compromise those principles and values.
Whether you’re an adult, a young adult, a teenager, a pre-teen or an 8-year old, you have certain beliefs and if that belief is challenged, you have to have the facts (or the cuteness) to support your thoughts.
My family has diverse interest and opinions. But one common interest is to be able to express one’s desires, feelings and thoughts; and we’re lucky enough to be in a country where we have the freedom to do so.
“Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to
learn something new.” – Og Mandino
Enjoy a good debate, just remember no name calling is allowed!
(PS - A quick shout out to Ty of Mama of 3 Munchkins for her Kreativ Blogger Award; Do check her out. I'll be posting more about it sometime this week)
You have been selected by THE MOM'S JOURNEY to recieve the LOVELY BLOG AWARD.
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Safe hugz,
A Mom's Journey
I agree NO name calling! I love it. People forget that when voicing their opinions. LOL. Great post
ReplyDeleteI'm with Tami.
ReplyDeleteThanks for such a lovely post.
Hi...I saw your comment thru bro. Chris' site and came over here to follow and let you know that I'm praying for you. Been there before in your situation when my parents [they're with the Lord now]were sick and it was difficult to go home, same with my brothers. But God was the One Who helped us get through all those trials and I know He will be there for you, too. God bless you sister.
ReplyDeleteEven as an adult, I need to remind myself of the name calling rule (especially with my hubby). This is wonderful you and your family welcome a healthy debate.
ReplyDeleteDiscussion and debate is wonderful for expanding the mind!